Monday, November 28, 2011

Here's to Today

I know it's been a while and my posting has been sporadic. I've just had a ton going on. I'll try to catch you people up, but it's hard to remember everything that happens sometimes.

NaNoWriMo: I passed the 50,000 mark and I'm loving it. My novel is currently at 63,064 words. I have until June to edit it, and if I do, I get 5 free copies this year from CreateSpace which means I can send my mom a copy. =] I freaking love my novel so I am optimistic that I will actually edit it this year. I still haven't finished it. I'm about 3/4 of the way to the end. all this time the ending has changed in my mind, but I think it's pretty solid now =] Jem and Sara are still a constant wealth of inspiration even though they probably aren't trying...just random situations, conversations, and random crap like that get me thinking and then writing. My manager Dion has added input without knowing it as well, it's fun =]

Work: Lots of randomness tied to work. I was so excited to be taken off the performance plan only to be told I'm still going to be on it for another 2 months. It's hard to explain sometimes, but the customer surveys I've been getting that are negative have been mainly out of my control. If you take out all the crap ones I have, I meet the goal. Even my manager agrees with this. I'm glad he at least has my back. I'm just stressed about it, almost to the point that I might look for another job just in case. I know I have time and my manager said that if he ever thinks it might come to a point where I have to worry, he'll give me notice before he starts fighting for me so I at least have a lot of warning. I'm hoping it never comes to that because I really do love this job even with the random stresses.

Home: I haven't been home a lot, I have been out at meetings, working, with Amber, gaming, etc. It's been fun and eventful and sometimes sad and tiresome, but it's my life and it's been a blast. Once November is over I'll regain some of my life back. Every gap I've had has been filled with writing, even if it meant going to my own place and writing. I've been thinking of things I want to do with Sara since I can never think of anything, I've been trying to, so here goes:
-explore nature park at night
-get her to play rock band (bwahaha)
-christmas cookies
-letterboxing (once I have ink and a new stamp)
-frolic in the rain
-Pittock Mansion with Christmas Lights
-pick out Charlie brown christmas tree
-did I mention frolic in the rain? =]
-find a show we both like and can watch together when we(mostly me) don't feel like going outside or exerting energy
-more to come

Nerdy: SO MUCH GAMING! It makes me smile. DnD, Board Games, Rock Band, and soon Portal =] I freaking love it. Jem is going to introduce me to Portal officially....(I apologize to Sara in advance) This might suck up some of my life for a while, but I need to be strong and not let it. I just have always wanted to play, and A TON of my friends are ALWAYS talking about it and now I need to get in on it. Next nerdy thing, Big Bang Theory and Dr. Who. Marathons coming soon with a Samwise near you. I want to watch these so bad.

The Loneliness: So after all my being lonely whines and all that fun stuff, I found someone to ease that. lol. It's a bit of a long story and I won't go into the details of how the situation came to be. I don't fully know what it is yet...I don't know a lot of things. This is the time of exploring, having fun, and seeing what happens from here. A few who have seen us together have asked "What are you?" I hate that question. I also hate putting labels on relationships. The general public loves labels and loves assuming one thing or another because of these labels. I like to go with the flow, make my own definitions and go from there. So again, something is there, but that's for me to know and you to find out if you're lucky. It's weird how my mind works to write this knowing he is going to read this at some point, lol. I guess my mind filters more than I thought, hahaha. (did any of that make sense? my mind filter is making things not make sense, ah well)

must go to bed.......


  1. --Make apartment Christmassy
    --Exploring the ginormous monster that is the Portland Metro Area haha
    --Um....charades? Just kidding. ;)

  2. Hopefully this wont come off as rude, cause that's certainly not my intention. It's more of a curiosity then anything else. But since you said you want to send one to your mom, does the book place you'll be getting your free copies from do brail?

  3. Okay for 1- those activities sound AWESOME. jealous.

    2- and then a Dr. Who marathon?! I'm going to whine and complain a bit more.

    and 3- I think that all made sense, regardless of the apparent "mind filter". And yes, mankind has learned to label things and define things as a necessary comfort... it makes existence uncomfortable without it... unless you learn to remove that conditioning. It is wonderful to live in this wonderful universe without the limitations placed upon us by the evolution of humans!

  4. Sara: sounds good =]
    Rodger: Not rude at all and no I don't believe they do, but she'll still get a copy, I'm just going to send her a digital copy as well
    Melanie: I can't wait until you are back and can do these things with me, and also on the last bit, I'm trying not to let people conform me, I can do it =]
