Tuesday, November 15, 2011

A Whole Lot of Random

Working on updating more again, lol. Let's see how this goes.

I couldn't move much at all yesterday until around noon or 1pm, called in sick to work and tried to set a Dr appt, but the first dr appointment I could find was in January. Anyone know any Doctors in my area that might be taking patients sooner? As far as I can tell I'm going to have to go to Urgent Care on Saturday when I get paid. For those that have not been around since it all started, my back had been causing me a lot of problems. I have been trying to see a dr about it for a long time. I get tired of having to change doctors and have to explain it all over again. I jusst want my back to stop hurting so I can do all my normal activities. Right now it hurts to reach down far enough to put my pants on sometimes and don't even think about tying my shoes. Yeaaah...hopefully I'll be better sooon.

It pretty much isn't going to work out with that guy I went on a date with. His schedule is completely opposite of mine, so I don't even know how we'd be able to hang out at all. About the other guy I mentioned...I'm still in the same boat. Don't know how to say anything or even if I should say anything. See, when I thought I liked the guy I was talking about a couple months ago...the options were that he was dense or not interested, I stuck it out with not interested. I'm not being so blatantly obvious with this guy (or maybe I am, I have no clue) but regardless, I do know I like this guy...I have been thinking of why I keep hesitating or something...I think I know, but not well enough to be able to explain it on here. lol. The funny part is, I'm not even actively "looking" or whatever...either I'm getting set up, or I get some spark or something that makes me start thinking...I don't know if these sparks really do mean what I think they mean, but I guess I learn over time.

more later. gotta go

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