Today was an amazing day to follow yesterday. I had a blast at work, laughed so hard I actually physically laughed so hard I had to sit down which happened to be on the floor in the middle of a walkway, but it was great. We had a great conversation about Ian and how my manager thinks he is gay, while I know he isn't hahaha. Then it continued to go into talks about the two guys that are having sex changes that are on the same contract, which led somehow into if I had any kids and yeah it was just a random day. I had great calls, no stress today, and I ended the pay period with overtime (not as much as I anticipated originally, but still overtime nonetheless).
After work I hung out with a variety of amazing people. Saw someone who I haven't seen in years and might not have seen on any other occasion and then proceeded to end my night with lots of laughs. (Mostly because I am so deliriously tired that everything is funny and the funny things are funnier.)
The only downside is my sleep deprivation made my anxiety worse at times. I really thought I was annoying people all day today and only spoke aloud of it once when I was with Jem. I joke about it a lot but I do worry that sometimes people wish they had duct tape for me...ya never know. Sometimes I want duct tape for MYSELF. lol.
Pretty picture to end the post:

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